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Top 12 Website Design Problems That Cost Small Businesses Time and Customers
We've found 12 of the top problems associated with small business websites and offer some solutions to fix them.
Website design and functionality is constantly and rapidly evolving. We've taken a look at some of the most common website design mistakes found online. You'd be shocked at how many small business websites overlook listing their phone number. (You should check yours now. If it's not showing on your front page then keep reading for more ideas on how to improve your website.)
The website is not mobile-friendly
Over half of the users of this website are using a mobile device to view it. There is a 50\50 chance you are on your phone or tablet while you're reading this post. Plain and simple .... If your website design is not mobile-friendly, you are losing half of your visitors to a competitor.
The website is not conversion-friendly
Do you know what your traffic flow and engagement look like on your website? Is your business struggling to get leads or sales from your website? There may be a simple layout or design reason your business website isn't converting.
The website does not incorporate or utilize analytics or metrics
How do you know what is working and what isn't for your marketing? Only 54.6% of the top 1 million most trafficked websites use Google Analytics! Nearly HALF of the most popular websites are not taking advantage of Google Analytics. Do you know where are your customers are actually coming from? Which advertising channels are working and which ones aren't. It's a modern world. Google Analytics offers detailed and powerful views into your customer acquisition, engagement, monetization, and retention. Metrics that can give you different views of your customer data and behavior.
Technology is too complex
We know you are busy running your business. Online marketing is a huge arena and it is growing bigger every day. There are literally thousands of web technologies that all work together to drive business online. (And they have to be updated all the time.) Managing your website and online presence is what we do best. Thanks to our advanced website tools and development team, we can help harness the power of the internet without weighing your business down with painstaking, complex details.
The website has no social media integration
Social Media is everywhere people are and if people are your customers, you need social media integrated into your site. From article shares, (In fact, if you could look at the top right of this page and share this article with your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, we would appreciate the love!) ... to social media displays on your website can all be used to enhance your website's conversion and improve the user experience.
Your business has no dedicated IT support for updates or questions
This is one of the #1 complaints I heard from my clients as a website designer for years. Not having someone to call or task technology requests to once the website was built. It's still true today. Having dedicated website management, administration, and support for your business website is essential. It is an ever-changing, fast-paced world. Your business website needs the support that helps you reach your online marketing goals.
The website is missing contact information
Did you check to see if your site had your phone number listed? Congratulations if it was! One of the number one reasons customers search your website online is for contact information. Whether it's to get your phone number or to find your address so they can use GPS to find your physical location. Missing or incorrect contact information can hurt your business and help your competition.
Poor search engine optimization
Search engine optimization has also changed and gotten more complex. Google and other search engines weigh things like "trust" and "authority" now as well as your content and website usability. Is your website mobile friendly? Do you have recent positive reviews on your Google Local Business listing? Are your images properly named and meta tagged? There are several factors that determine what position you will be shown in search results. If your website is poorly optimized, your competitors end up on top.
Vague or outdated content
Not all content is designed to wow your audience however, fresh content factors into your SEO and keeps your visitors coming back. Your website content should serve a purpose and be organized and presented accordingly. Customers trust recent and relevant information and your company can use this to drive more customers to your business.
No CTAs on your website
A CTA = "Call to Action". What do you want your website visitor to do? Purchase your product? Sign up for your newsletter? Visit your store? Call about your service? So many websites don't ask their customers to do anything and again, lose the customer to a competitor because they simply had a "Learn More" button on their website.
Cheap or slow hosting
Website loading speed is also another factor in user experience as well as Google index ranking. Website viewers make a decision about your website in the first 8 seconds that they visit. Every second they wait for your site to load is one less that you get to make a positive impression on your potential customer. People are busy and slow websites should be a thing of the past.